本科毕业设计 外文文献及译文 文献、资料题目:Transit work Design Problem: Review 文献、资料来源:网络 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): xxx 专业: xxx 班级:xxx 姓名:xxx 学号: xxx 指导教师: xxx 翻译日期: xxx 外文文献: Transit work Design Problem: Review Abstract: Efficient design of public works has attracted much interest in the transport literature and practice, with many models and approaches for formulating the associated transit work design problem _TRNDP_ having been developed. The present paper systematically presents and reviews research on the TRNDP based on the three distinctive parts of the TRNDP setup: design objectives, operating environment parameters and solution approach. Introduction Public transportation is largely considered as a viable option for sustainable transportation in urban areas, offering advantages such as mobility enhancement, traffic congestion and air pollution reduction, and energy conservation while still preserving social equity considerations. Nevertheless, in the past decades, factors such as socioeconomic growth, the need for personalized mobility, the increase in private vehicle ownership and urban sprawl have led to a shift towards private vehicles and a decrease in public transportation’s share in muting (Sinha 2003; TRB 2001; EMTA 2004; ECMT 2002; Pucher et al. 2007). Efforts for encouraging public transportation use focuses on improving provided services such as line capacity, service frequency, coverage, reliability, comfort and service quality which are among the most important parameters for an efficient public transportation system (Sinha 2003; Vuchic 2004.) In this context, planning and designing a cost and service efficient public work is necessary for improving petitiveness and market share. The problem that formally describes the design of such a public work is referred to as the transit work design problem (TRNDP);it focuses on the optimization of a number of objectives representing the efficiency of public works under operational and resource constr