根据新规范,即《建设工程项目管理范围》(GB/T 50326-- 2006),我们知道,工程质量管理主要有十三个方面的内容,其中质量管理是最基本也是很重要的一项内容。而项目质量管理是指为确保工程项目的质量特性满足要求而进行的计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制等活动,这也是本篇论文要研究的核心点。
项目质量管理工作的管理体系是否先进,以及其业务和技术水平的高低, 都直接影响到工程建设的质量和经济效益,它在保证建设工程的健康顺利进行
Project management as the construction industry in our country in recent years gradually introduced in the way of project implementation, and it has been concerned about relevant departments, enterprises and adhere to the "integrity services, high quality returns, continuously surpass" corporate purposes, the project management has e pany in fierce petition important strategic support to development.
According to the new specification,we know,the project quality management has thirteen major contents , and quality management is one of the most basic and important content. Project quality management is activity whitch in order to ensure the quality of the project meet the requirements of the plan, organize, command, coordinate and control . This is also the emphasis of this paper to research.
First of all, the author analyzes the differences of the research on project quality management both at home and abroad, and obtained the difference between domestic and foreign enterprises in the project quality management, relative to foreign countries, our country enterprise mainly in the laws and regulations, feasibility study, relatively backward , in order to understand qual
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