SPWM变频调速系统 摘要:变频调速是交流调速中的发展方向。变频调速也有多种方法,本文对目前研究领域相当活跃的正弦波脉宽调制技术(SPWM)的变频调速作了一定的研究,并进行了实践。异步电动机的调速原理是研究控制算法的基石,因文首先介绍了异步电动机的调速特性,,控制方法的可行性。变频调速的控制算法也有许多,本文对目前大部分通用变频器所采用的控制算法——恒压频比控制,给出了完整的硬件电路设计和软件程序流程设计。本文采用了Intel8OC196MC十六位单片机作为控制电路的CPU,采用该单片机的控制系统是本设计的硬件核心部分。因此本文先简单的介绍此单片机与该设计相关的特性,继而介绍本系统的硬件设计和软件设计。 关键词:变频器;恒压频比控制;正弦波脉宽调制:8OC196MC单片机。 Abstract:Variable- speed drive system is the direction of AC Variable-speedd rive are many modes for frequency-varied speed -regulated. In this paper, theauthor studied and analyzed one of the control way which is very searched by many people,and it is a constant volts/hertz ratio control technology The mathematical model of AC induction motor is the base of controlAlgorithmic for paper introduce the AC induction motorfirstly,then introduce the theoretical base of SPWM variable-speed drive. The theoretical base gives its idea and feasibility. In this design,the single chip puter-80C196MC is puter is very suitable for motor's Control circuit including80C196MC is the core of this are hardware and software Designs in this the software design is the emphasis. 一绪论 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 二恒压频比控制的SPWM变频系统的分析 7 7 7 SPWM逆变技术 9 9 SPWM调制变频技术 10 12 15 三变频调速系统的硬件实现 17 17 18 18 19 21 21 24 80C196MC单片机的波形发生器 24 28 30 32 驱动芯片IR2110的介绍 32 34 34 35 四主程序设计 36 五总结 38 参考文献 39 致谢 40 附录 41 一绪论 本章作为引言,主要介绍了变频调速控制技术的发展和现状,SPWM变频技术的应用以及该课题的研究意义与价值,最后简要归纳了本课题的研究任务并对文章安排做了简要介绍。