Poly2,2,2-砌uoroc血ylmethacrylate∽下EMA)and block copolyIners have been synthesized by liVing anionic polymedz8tion and atom仃ansfcr radical polyIllerization (ATRP) solution polyIneri删on or emulsion polyrneri刎on. The smlctⅢes of polyIners were mestigatedby服,NMR a11d DSC m01ecular
wei曲t and polydispcrs试es ofpolymers were detennined by GPc.
PTFEMA、vi也narrow molecular weight di赋bution砬i删by tlliocyaIlate-l姗啪
org姐ocuprates iIl tetrahydrofIlran soludon were carried initiated by
nliocyanate-li也ium o唱arlocuprates shOwed t11at miocyanate-allocup ra_tes was
陆more e伍cient initiators tllall or l,l-DiphenylheXymtlli啪 or
PTFEMA、Ⅳitll naHDw molecular weight dismbution w踮prepared by atom traIlsf打 mdical sol砸0n kiIletics of sol嘣on ATRP of TFEMA、糯stIlmed at 90℃,111e apparcm propogi撕on瑚le constallt ckpapp)was ×104(s-1)at 90℃.E艉ct of p01ymerization temperatIIre aIldⅡle锄oIlllt of i11itiator or caCalyst on rate was irⅣestigated.
Chain·eXtehded reaction proVed that 1r17EMA AⅡ冲kd tlle characteristics of‘liv血g’ con缸ollable radical system RBr/CuC忱PN-B had more connDllable thall RBr/ appafent activation energy矗”An冲of TFEMA in
Cyclohexallone is fbund to be l kJ,m01.
111e block copol舯er ofPTFEMA_b—PS wim narrow molecular wei鲥dis龇ution waS pr印ared by atom transfer radical solmion ofmacroinjtiator and di丘brent 1ig觚d on mte was resuit was more con们Iled when mcroinitiator w踞10wcr蛆d P加)ETA、^,as -b-PS was cast劬m solution on gl嬲s s删:hce’s contact angles were sllrface’s energy was set
film surfhe’s energy at air interf如e was ing low、^,jch也e ent e ,也e bIock copoIymer ofPTFEMA-b—PHEMAwas preparcd by
atom transfh mdical solution ofPTFEMA·
in selective solvent waS studied by DLS,and resulted in naIlopanicle诵m 10w dispersi
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