Abstract With the development of economy, urbanization and the adjustment of industrial structures in Wuhan, a large number of industrial enterprises have moved out of main urban areas. The left land has e an important source of land for urban development. However, potential environmental risks exist because of industrial production for many years. There into, the Qiaokou Gutian chemical Region in Wuhan is one of the most seriously, as part of the left soil is evaluated heavily polluted by the city environmental academy of science for heavy metal pollution, within the principle elements are mercury, lead, arsenic, chrome and so on. Hiding danger existing in the land brings disadvantages to the development of economy and the whole society, even worse for daily live of the local residents. Therefore, it is important to study and know well people’s attitudes and cognitive towards pollution land, which would benefit for the government to formulate relevant laws and provide reference for the enterprises decision-making. In order to understand residents’ opinions we have administered a questionnaire to 156 residents in the surroundings of Wuhan Gutian chemical area. We have applied factor analysis to ponents better understand respondents’ underlying structure of their answers. Moreover multivariate stepwise regression analysis is utilized to define and specify the personal and social structure variables that can better explain people’s cognitive towards environmental issues. The conclusion suggests that: (1) Residents mon concerned about the pollution land, especially for the health and value risk it may be caused. While the respondents’ attention to land pollution is far lower than the air pollution, water pollution and other environmental pollution, and are generally lack of the professional knowledge of remediation of land pollution. (2) The more residents’ cognitive ability of land pollution, the more desire it is to learn the knowledge of prevention of land polluti