网上图书订阅系统基于 Microsoft SQL Server 平台,以C#为编程语言开发,实现了网上图书预订和借阅,订阅信息查询,图书和用户信息的修改,借阅排行和新到图书的查询等功能,这样不但可将管理员从繁重的劳动中解脱出来,提高管理图书的效率,更重要的是可以使每一位读者足不出户就能够通过上网来轻松订阅图书,查询相关订阅信息。
The Design of On-line Book Borrowing and Reserving System
With development of technology, work has gradually rated into the people's lives in all areas. Information management system of digital work technology has e an inevitable trend. The book borrowing and reserving system is an important tool to manage book information. With the increase of book possession and user’s demand, the traditional manual method won’t satisfy this demand and the development of today’s era any more. Thus it’s a new trend to design an on-line book borrowing and reserving system, which puter to deal with book information work to realize borrowing and reserving.
The system is based on the platform and developed by the C# language and SQL Server 2000 database. It has realized on-line book borrowing and reserving, inquiring information of borrowing and reserving, changes of books and users borrow ranks and new book information. It can not only release the manager from heaven burden, improving the management efficiency, but also make the users at home borrow, reserve, and inquiry their concerned information.
This content posed of five chapters: the first is Introduction; the second is theory foundation; the third is demanding analysis; the fourth is system design; the fifth is system realization and test.
Key words: book reserving;book borrowing;inquiry of borrowing and reserving information;book management
1 引言 1
选题背景 1
国内研究现状 1
课题研究的意义 1
2 理论基础 1
数据库技术 1
面向对象技术 2
B/S架构的WEB程序设计技术 2
3 需求分析
毕业设计(论文)-网上图书购买系统的设计 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.