李韶山,广东省珠江学者特聘教授。1992年在华南师范大学获理学博士学位;曾留学瑞典Lund University和Örebro University以及美国College of William & Mary。现任华南师范大学生命科学学院副院长,生态学专业博士生导师。多年来从事植物生理生态学研究,主要研究方向是植物紫外辐射(UV-B)效应的细胞和分子机理研究、植物对重金属污染的分子响应和生态毒理、微生物与植物根系的相互作用、以及入侵植物的生态适应性和比较基因组学研究。已主持承担多项国家自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金、教育部留学回国人员科技项目以及广东省高层次人才项目等。
Jiang Lei, Wang Yan, Li Qianfeng, Björn LO, He Junxian, Li Shaoshan*. Arabidopsis STO/BBX24 negatively regulates UV-B signaling by interacting with COP1 and repressing HY5 transcriptional activity. Cell Research, 2012, 22: 1046-1057 (IF=)
Qin Rong, Zhang Huaning, Li Shaoshan, Jiang Wusheng, Liu Donghua*. Three major nucleolar proteins migrated from nucleolus to nucleoplasm and cytoplasm in root tip cells of Vicia faba L. exposed to aluminum. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21: 10736-10743(IF=)
Gong Ni, Wang Yutao, Björn L O, and Li Shaoshan*. DNA C-values of 20 invasive alien species and 3 native species in south China. Archives of Biological Sciences, 2014, 66(4): 1465-1472 (IF=)
Chen Yong, Zou Shenshen, Zhou Fan, Yu Sidney, Li Shaoshan, Li Dan, Song Jingzen, Li Hui, He Zhiyi, Hu Bing, Björn L O, Liang Yongheng*, Xie Zhiping, Segev Nava*. A Vps21 endocytic module regulates autophagy. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2014, 25: 3166-3177 (IF=)
Zou Shenshen, Chen Yong, Liu Yutao, Segev N, Yu S, Ye Min, Zeng Yan,
李韶山-华南师范大学 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.