摘要 本文用沸点仪法研究低压下青霉素钾盐对征丁醇一水二元部分互溶体系相平衡的影响。 实验测定了沸点仪的滞流因子ff。并脚了沸点仪法的可靠性。为了计算含盐系统的平 衡液相和气相组成,本研究用沸点仪测定了温度在20-60"0范围内含有不同浓度的青霉素钾盐水溶液和含饱和青霉素钾盐的正丁醇溶液的饱和蒸汽压。同时还测定了在低于 kPa、 kPa和 。无盐系统和含盐系统所测数据分 别用NRTL方程和改进的NRTL模型进行了关联并推算平衡的汽、液相组成。(利用推算过程 \ 中获得的NRTL模型参数计算出正丁醇一水二元系统的分层液相平衡组成。同时应用液相气相色谱法,对含盐和无盐系统的部分推算结剔掰亍实B佥校验,其校验结果与推算结果比饺吻合。 实验结果表明,在正丁醇一水二元部分互溶体系中加入青霉素钾盐,产生的盐效应使溶液系统的共沸温度略有升高、正丁醇和水的相互溶解度增大,当青霉素钾盐的质量百分含量达到10%时,一『l争水二元部分互溶系统已变成完全互溶系统。并通过单一溶剂含盐溶 、 液的红外光谱分析,从分子间相互作用角度解释了E述变化的原因。≮ 爿j链阍:正丁醇水、青霉素G钾盐、盐效应、沸点仪法 1 Abstract This paper had researched the salt effect of恤1-butanol and water binary rnniaUy miscible system containing penicillin G potassium salt at low pressures with the ebulliometric mean evaporation coeffident,E ofthe small ebulliometer had been the reliability ofthe cbulliomcUic m酣tod had been calculate the posiliom ofthe liquid and vapor phase for the 1-butanol and water system containing salt,the saturation vapor pressures ofthe water containing ditferem salt concentration and the 1-butanol containing saturated salt systems in the range - had been measured with the the saturation vapor pressures of these systems at certain salt concenwation had been expressed aS a function of phase equilibrium dam for the 1-butanol+water binary partially misciblesystemata seriesofpressureslessthan different salt concenaation at 、、 had been meabxlred with the data had been used to calculate the positiom ofthe liquid and
phase positions at certain presstne had been calculated usmg the obtained parameters ofNRTL model in calculated part results had been verified through the :erimental