Abstract The modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT) is an efficient time-frequency analysis tool, and it has been widely used in audio coding. MDCT also has very important theory and broad application value. In this paper, according to the thought of the fast first-order putation algorithm without multiplier proposed by , we decide to use first-order moment to improve putation of MDCT. First we establish a puting formula for MDCT by transforming this input sequence into a first-order moment using given principle, which results in that putation of the MDCT could be implemented by the first-order moment. Then by introducing two fast moment structures pute the first-order moment, the proposed algorithms could implement the MDCT without multiplications and limitations on the length of MDCT, and putational structures are pared with the traditional algorithms of the MDCT. Furthermore, since not only the MDCT but the introduced algorithms of moments could also be performed by the systolic array, we design new systolic array for MDCT based on our approach. A very simple and scalable systolic array without multipliers and ROMs has also been designed to perform the arbitrary length MDCT, which can make the VLSI implementation more efficient and easier. Finally parison with three existing methods shows the superiority of our method. Key words: MDCT first-order moment no multiplier systolic structure arbitrary length 目 录 摘 要...................................................................................................................................I ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... II 目 录................................................................................................................................III 1 绪论.................................................................................................................................. 1