The Overall planning of Xinye County Xindianpu Town Abstract: With vigorously investment since 2012, the industrial economy of Xindian Town has achieved a breakthrough that gave birth to the further implementation of this plan. The planning analyzes the constraints Austin Town development of new and existing problems, considering the "Xinye County Town System Planning (2009-2030)". After a year and a half of a step by step demonstration preliminary field research and programs, including the town of domain systems, structure, function; structure and layout of the township, road system was prehensive planning to resolve the current situation which is difficult to meet the future urban development needs according to new Xindianpu Town contradiction, and to resolve the series of questions in the current Xindianpu Town development . Key words: Xindian Town; overall planning; Every village; Shuanglang everything; township functions 目录 摘要..................................................................I Abstract ................................................................I 目录...................................................................II 1 新野县新甸铺镇总体规划现状概况........................................1 区位条件..........................................................1 建设现状..........................................................1 新农村建设....................................................1 道路交通现状..................................................1 自然资源.......