青少年自尊、同伴反刍、自我妨碍的关系研究-发展与教育心理学专业毕业论文.pdf- el -- showed that the order of the level of co-rumination was 7th and 8th> 10th> 11th grade. Main effect of grade was significantly in total Co-rumination. Differences of gender and only child or not were not significant. The main effect of gender and grade were significant in Self-esteem and Self-handicapping. Girls got lower self二esteem than boys. Interaction between grade and gender of self-esteem was significant. Students of high school applied self-handicapping Strategies significant1y more than middle school. While intemal differences within high school or middle school were not significant. Main effect of gender was significant; girls use more self-handicapping Strategies than boys. Self-esteem and rumination was negatively -handícapping was significantly positively related to rumination , and not significantly correlated with co-ruminatioll. Intemalizing symptoms and self-esteem were negatively correlated significantly. Co-rumination was significantly correlated wìth 仕ìendship quality,self-disclosure and dimensions ofrumination , and intemalizing symptoms of anxiety. Hierarchical regression showed that ,in the first layer,grade and gender positively predicted self-handìcappìng. In the second layer,self-esteem and grades were admitted into the regression equation. In the third layer,speculated results of CRQ factor and grade (positive prediction) and self-esteem (negative prediction) explained a total of % of self-handicapping. In the fourth Iayer,the following factors explained a total of % of self-handicapping , including: Symptoms rumination ,CDI,anxiety,self-disclosure,speculated results of CRQ factor (positive prediction) ,ref1ection of RRS,friendship qualíty (negative prediction). Key words: Adolescents; Self二esteem; Co-rumination; Self二handicapping; Rumination; Friendship Quality 目录 . 研究背景. .....,••••.. ••••••••••••••••.. •••••••••••••••••••... 1 研究意义.................................................