雅思写作完全攻略 Total Solution of IELTS Writing -2009- 雅思考试作文部分题型 题型 分值 字数要求 建议时间 小作文 图表作文(Report) 1/3 >150words 20mins 大作文 议论文(Essay) 2/3 >250words 40mins 课时安排: Marking System Essay Writing Introduction Body Conclusion Structure Report Writing 近年雅思考试中国大陆考区作文部分得分情况(From Mat Clark) Band4 or below: 15%-20% Band5: 60% Band6: 15%-20% Band7: <5% Band8 or above: Rare Key Language Features in Marking System Task Response: 1. No evidence of digression/irrelevant content 2. Adequate Words 3. Position + Supporting Ideas + Development Coherence and Cohesion Logical overall structure Topic Sentence Cohesive devices Lexical Resource Accurateness Authentic Vocabulary (mon Vocabulary) Variety Grammatical Range and Accuracy Accurateness Complex Sentence Variety Chapter One-Essay Writing 第一章. 议论文完全攻略 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part One-Introduction -闪亮开篇- -Version - Structure of Introduction 1. Background Information (1). Lead-in Sentence (Introduce the subject of the topic) (2). Public Opinion 2. Statement (State your position) 主体背景(Background Information) (1) In the last century, the first man walking on the moon said: “It is a big step for mankind”. However, some people think it made little difference to people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree? () ______________________________, when ________________________________________________________________ for the first time, he _____________________________________________________ that it was a great step for mankind. Nowadays, however, some people believe that it actually _____________________________________________________ Language Skill: Paraphrase方法之一- 具体化(笼统概念-缩小范围) (2) Food can be produced much more cheaply today because of improved fertilizers and better machinery. However, some people think the methods used to do this may have negative effects on munities and be dangero