第 38 卷黑龙江医学畅38, 畅1 Vol No 106 2014 年第 1 期畅2014 HEILONGJIANG MEDICAL JOURNAL Jan · 卫生管理· 环境卫生学监测培养皿单制纸封条式管理的研究 王靖,刘胜英,徐喜荣 (荆州市第一人民医院感染管理办公室,湖北荆州 434000) 摘要:目的观察医学微生物室环境卫生学监测培养皿单制纸封条管理的效果。方法随机抽查采用开放式管理法和单制 纸封条式管理法的医学微生物室工作人员各 348 个值班次的空气培养皿、物表监测皿、消毒试剂监测皿的检查情况,对比两组培 养皿的完好率及监测结果达标率。结果单制纸封条式管理组的空气培养皿、物表监测皿、消毒试剂监测皿的完好率及监测结果 达标率高于开放式管理组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P <0畅05)。结论医学微生物室环境卫生学监测培养皿单制纸封条管理 不仅提高了检测结果的可信度,规范了医院感染管理,而且提升了管理质量和效率。 关键词:环境卫生学监测;培养皿管理;医院感染管理 doi: 10畅3969 /畅畅1004 -5775畅2014畅01畅062 j issn 学科分类代码: 330畅81 中图分类号: 187 文献标识码: R B Single System Seal Management of Environmental Health Monitoring Petri Dish/WANG Jing, LIU Sheng -ying, XU Xi -rong // (The Infection Management Office, Jinzhou First People′s Hospital, Jingzhou 434000 CHINA) Abstract:Objective - To observe the effect of environmental health monitoring petri dish single paper seal management of medical mi 畅Methods , - crobiology room Randomly checking open management and air petri dish the object table monitoring dish and disinfection rea 348 , gents monitoring inspection dish in manufacturing paper seal management act medical microbiology room staff in shifts petri dish good 畅Results , rates and the results of pliance rate pared in the two groups Good rates of air petri dish material form the , - monitoring pan disinfection reagents monitoring dish in made paper seal management gro