独立悬架_电动轮模块的双横臂悬架机构设计 2004 年( 第 26 卷) 第 5 期 汽车工程 Automotive Engineering 2004 ( Vol. 26) No. 5 2004124 [ 摘要] 四轮驱动电动汽车采用由轮毂电机、转速传感器、制动盘和双横臂悬架机构组成的结构相同的独立悬架- 电动轮模块,可大幅度减少零部件种类,降低制造成本。文中按空间机构理论导出了双横臂悬架导向机构运动分析与设计的基本公式,并研制成简明实用的视窗式分析与设计系统。提出了可完全消除附加转向干涉的非转向轮双横臂悬架导向机构。将这些研究成果具体应用于台“春晖一号”和样车“春晖二号”的研制,取得了良好效果。 叙词: 四轮驱动,燃料电池汽车,双横臂悬架机构 oped. In addition ,a double2wishbone guiding mechanism for non2steering wheel is also presented ,which 2 pletely eliminate t he toe2in fluct uation. The achievement s of above st udy have been essf ully applied to t he first concept platform for 4WD f uel cell mini vehicle in China wit h good result s. Abstract] To reduce t he items of part s ponent s and lower t he manufact uring cost ,an indepen2 [ dent suspension/ in2wheel motor module is proposed for a 4WD elect ric vehicle. The module consist s of an in2 wheel motor ,a speed sensor ,a disc brake and a double2wishbone suspension mechanism. In particular ,t he basic formulae for t he kinematic analysis and design of double2wishbone suspension mechanism are derived based on t he t heory of spatial mechanism ,and a corresponding window style analysis and design ( software) system is devel2 前言 由轮毂电机直接驱动的四轮驱动燃料电池汽车,可省略传统内燃机汽车必须的机械式操纵换挡装置、离合器、自动变速器、传动轴和机械差速器等, 具有高效传动、整车结构简洁、可利用空间大的突出优点,是汽车传动方式的变革。借助现代计算机控制技术,可实现各电动轮电子差速、驱动防滑和直接横摆控制等,从而实现整车操纵稳定性与行驶性能的高性能化。对这种具有先进驱动和结构型式的洁 原稿收到日