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The Million Pound
Mark Twain
The greatest humorist of the 19th century in America. Also one of the greatest writer in the world.
If a rich person gives you a large amount of money to use as you like, what will you do with it ?
Brief story
Is there real free-lunch in the world? Maybe there is! And such kind of “free lunch” strikes the poor and honest young man Henry Adams who has surprisingly got a one-million bank note from the brothers (Roderick & Oliver). From then on, he es a bright focus of the money-priority society. Later, the lucky young man experiences two sharply different treatments in the tailor shop, served in cold should and contempt at first but flattery soon after the large bank note is shown. In the ball, people from every social class try every chance to show their friendship and flattery to the new millionaire. Fortunately, Henry meets Potia and gain love from this beautiful woman. As we all know, the whole story roots from the bet of the brothers. What is the bet actually? Where does the attraction of the bank note lie in ?
What is the style of this text?

B. an exposition(说明文)
C. An argumentation

D. a drama(戏剧)
Time __________________
Place _________
Henry Adams
2) Roderick
3) Oliver
What happened?
The summer of 1903
A lost American businessman
Two rich brothers
Henry was given a letter with money in it
by the two brothers and was asked not to
open it until 2 o’clock
Two rich gentlemen made a bet on what would happen to a penniless person if he was given a million pound note.
Henry, the hero of the story, an American businessman, carried out to the ocean,
A British ship, for London, passing by, fortunately saved him.
About a month ago
Henry was_____ out of the bay.
Towards nightfall
Henry found himself______ out to sea by a strong wind.
The next mornin

1百万英镑 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数20
  • 收藏数0 收藏
  • 顶次数0
  • 上传人mh900965
  • 文件大小4.04 MB
  • 时间2018-06-24