NPI Build Request System Overview Training Outline Introduction to the NPI proto request & Build Management System(介绍NPI样机的BR管理系统) Alignment of NPI tools to the Product Development lifecycle(NPI产品开发的生命周期) Accessing & navigating the system(系统的访问和导航) Proto Plans and Calendar(各个样机生产计划和每日的计划) Proto build timeline and build status process flow(样机build的提出和执行的时间轴和流程图) Viewing Build Requests (浏览build需求) Viewing and approving MEMs(浏览MEMs) Introduction to NPI Proto Build Mgt. System Managing prototype builds with high variation / low volume requires a standardized process(需要一个标准的流程来管理这种高变动量少的样机建设。) The system is designed to be flexible and dynamic, supporting the ever-changing requirements for build Motorola products(为了支持MOTO产品建立的各种变动,这套系统被设计成具备变动性。) Collaborative tools for PMs, R&D, Engineering and ,研发,工程和生产的协同工具) Monitoring tools for finance and security. (金融和安全的监控工具。) NPI Proto Build Management System – Web based tools(NPI样机管理系统---基于Web的工具) Build Request – Detailed build recipes and instructions(BR---build版本信息和操作说明) MEMs – Process changes after the build starts(MEMs---build开始做了之后,一个变动清单,包括物料添加,变更等) Proto Plans & Calendar – High level views for planning capacity, resources, headcount and long lead time material.(XX) WIP & Failure reports – monitoring the builds as the units move through the factory (WIP和不良品报表——监控BR的每个unit的从开始到离开工厂的状态) Additional NPI build support tools - Factory workstation applications NPI Track ID Barcode Label Generation – standardized factory labels for prototypes(NPI的条码打印机,用于打印Track ID) NPI Proto Security – completion of the build process and transfer of units(M-track扫描系统,用于记录unit的的出货数据) Alignment of Tools to Product Development Proto Plans NPI Build Requests NPI Build Requests plete detailed information that is needed for build execution. NPI BR’s are for prototypes only Design Phase EVT Phase PVT DVT3 DVT2 DVT1 Phase Concept Exit POR Exit Tool Release DVT1 Exit DVT2 Exit DVT3 Exit OK2SHIP 4w 8w 5w 6w 2w 6