中国工程热物理学会学科类别(传热传质学) 学术会议论文编号:123298 高粘度流体在螺旋隔板换热器中的换热性能研究 丁聪高学农刘欣黄昭雯 (华南理工大学传热强化与过程节能教育部重点实验室,广东广州 510640) (TEL: 020-87113596, Email: ******@scut.) 摘要以三种不同粘度的DTE系列抗磨液压油为传热介质,研究了其在螺旋隔板换热器的管程和壳程的传热特性,重点考察了粘度对传热系数的影响。实验结果表明:相同流量下,油在螺旋隔板的对流传热系数是光滑管的3倍以上;相同流量下,壳侧传热系数随粘度的增大而显著下降,当壳侧流量为890L/h,,传热系数486W/m2/K下降到421W/m2/K,%。 关键字螺旋隔板;传热性能;传热系数;运动粘度 Heat Transfer Performance Research of high viscosity fluid in helically baffled heat exchanger DING Cong GAO Xue-Nong LIN Xin HUANG Zhao-Wen (Laboratory of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Education, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, China) Abstract Three different type of DTE anti-wear hydraulic oil series were used as heat transfer medium to investigate its heat transfer performance in the shell and tube side of helically baffled heat exchanger. The impact of viscosity on heat transfer coefficient are highlighted. Results shows that under the same flow the heat transfer coefficient in the shell side of helically baffled heat exchanger were three times that of the tube side. At the same flow rate, heat transfer coefficient in the shell side decreased remarkably with the increasing of viscosity. Take the shell side flow rate of 890L/h as example, with the kinematic viscosity of DTE series increasing from to 37m2/s the heat transfer c