=爱情始甜而终苦。Love is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending.
=爱情是甜蜜的痛苦。Love is a sweet 。
=抱最大的希望,做最坏的准备。Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.// =要最好的结果,做最坏的准备。Provide for the worst, the best will save itself.
=并非人人都能当头。All men cannot be masters./We cannot all be masters.
=不管做什么,都要一心一意。Whatever you do, do with all your might.
=不请自来,没人接待。不速之客坐冷板凳。He es uncalled, sits unserved.
=不是大获全胜,就是满盘皆输。Either win the horse or lose the saddle.
=不要孤注一掷。不成功,便成仁。He will make a spoon or spoil a horn./Make or break./Mend or mar./不成功便成仁。Win the mare or lose the halter. //不要孤注一掷。凡事要有两手准备。Don't put all your eggs in one basket. //切莫孤注一掷。不可铤而走险。Do not keep all your eggs in one basket./Venture not all in one bottom. /切勿孤注一掷。Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
=不要在太岁头上动土。别惹麻烦。勿打草惊蛇。不要惹事生非。Let sleeping dogs lie./Wake not a sleeping lion./It is dangerous to wake a sleeping dog./It is ill to wake sleeping dogs./ It is best to let sleeping dogs lie./不要无事生非,免得自讨苦吃。It is not good to wake a sleeping lion./ 不要惹事生非。Don't wake a sleeping dog. /Let a sleeping dog lie. /别在太岁头上动土。Gentle puddocks have long toes.//虎口拔牙。(太岁头上动土。)Beard the lion in his den.
=苍蝇不叮无缝的鸡蛋。口紧不招祸。A close mouth catches no flies./Into a shut mouth flies fly not.
=成事在天,谋事在人。Man proposes, God disposes.
=聪明人一点就明。响鼓不用重锤。明白人不用多言语。Few words suffice to the wise. /Few words to the wise suffice. /响鼓不用重锤敲。举一反三。聪明者一点就通,愚蠢者棒打不回。响鼓不用重锤。(明白人不用多言语。)Half a tale/word is enough for a wise man. 智者一说就领会。//=智者当差,不用交代。心有灵犀一点通。智者不用多告诫。A word to the wise is enough/sufficient./话有三说,巧说为妙。少说为妙。A word is enough for/to the wise./智者当差,不用交代。Send a wise man on an errand, and say nothing to him./ 智者一点即通。To a wise man one word is enough. //心有灵犀一点通。Mind acts upon mind.
=大祸临头。祸事临头。The black ox has trod his foot.
=东西是新的好,朋友是老的亲。样样是新的好,只有朋友是老的好。物莫如新,友莫如故。衣不如新,人不如故。Everything is good when new, but friends when old.//物莫如新。Everything new is fine.
=肚子太饱,不能打仗也不能逃跑。A full belly neither fights nor flies well.
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