LEGAL SEA FOODS: OVER 50 YEARS AND THREE GENERATIONS IN THE MAKING 1904 Harry Berkowitz opens the “Legal Cash Market” in Inman Square, Cambridge, MA where customers were given “Legal Stamps”(forerunners of S&H green stamps) with their purchases. 1950 It’s all in the family. e, Harry’s son, opens “Legal Sea Foods” fish market right beside his father’s store. 60’s Julia Child showcases fresh fish from Legal Sea Foods on her highly-rated Public Broadcasting System (PBS) cooking show. Legal gets its first taste of stardom. 1968 Legal Sea Foods, as we now know it, is born! e opens a restaurant adjacent to his fish market. Although the trappings aren’t fancy – paper plates and ic tables are in plenty – the seafood is second to none and word spreads quickly. Legendary food critic Anthony Spinazzola from The Boston Globe hands Legal its first rave review. 1975 Legal expands with its first “real” restaurant in Chestnut Hill, MA that is a more refined version of its predecessor. Better decor but same fresh fish. 1976 Legal at Home offers the gift of good taste at 1-800-EAT-FISH. 80s Legal Sea Foods open its flagship restaurant at the famed Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, MA. Also born, locations in Kendall Square, Burlington and Natick, MA. 1981 Legal Sea Foods clam chowder, a perennial favorite, is called upon for civic duty. It is served at the Presidential Inauguration, thus