如何激发大学生在他们的外语学习 英语毕业论文.doc如何激发大学生在他们的外语学习 【关键词】大学生;英语学习;动机;激发 Ⅰ.Introduction With China’s entry into the WTO, China catches up with the world gradually. At the same time, English, as an international language and municative tool, es more and more important. In the 21st century and the next centuries, English will be used in people’s work, in their study and almost everywhere in their daily life, so learning English well has realistic and far-reaching historic significance to people in modern times. And how can we learn English well? Motivation is the key to the ess of English learning. Motivation is the psychological motivation which encourages people to take action. Human activities are derived from fairly motivation. The relevant researches of study theory show that learners themselves play a decisive role in the effect of study. The study activities are learners’ things in the final analysis. As the college students, how do we learn the foreign language? What is our leaning motivation? How to motivate university students in our FL learning? In my thesis, I will expound the definition of motivation and category of motivation. Then I will give some examples of my classmates’ learning motivation. After knowing the definition of motivation and university students’ learning motivation, it will talk about how to promote students’ motivation in FL learning. According to the discussion of motivation,