2011-11 兵工自动化 30(11) Ordnance Industry Automation ·29 · doi: .1006- 基于 Bootstrap 法的机载浮标搜潜系统作战效能指标分析 许爱强 1,盛沛 1,刘长捷 2,谭勖勖 1 (1. 海军航空工程学院科研部,山东烟台 264001 ;2. 空军航空大学基础部,长春 130022 ) 摘要:为解决试验悚样悪本量较少导致评估精度较低的问题,引愌入 Bootstrap 方法对机载浮标搜潜系统部分指标进 行评估。介绍对于成败型指标的目标发现率评估步骤,并对一惊定环境下的潜艇目标发现率、浮标信号有效接收距离 和某分机灵敏度这 3 项有代表性的指标进行仿真。分析结果说明该方法确实能够提高评估精度。 关键词:Bootstrap 方法;小样悪本;机载浮标搜潜系统 中图分类号:TJ67 文献标志码:A Index Analysis of Submarine Reconnaissance Efficiency of Air-Borne Buoy Submarine Reconnaissance System Based on Bootstrap Method Xu Aiqiang 1, Sheng Pei 1, Liu Changjie 2, Tan Xu 1 (1. Dept. of Scientific & Research, Naval Aeronautical & Astronautical University, Yantai 264001, China; 2. Dept. of Basic Theories, Aviation University of Air Force, Changchun 130022, China) Abstract: In order to solve the trouble that the precision is too low because of the lack of the swatch, the Bootstrap method is used to evaluate some of the parameters of the air-borne buoy submarine reconnaissance system. The evaluation steps of aim-discovering rate for ess or lost index is introduced. Three kinds of typical index such as the aim-discovering rate, available incept distance of buoy signal and certain extension sensitivity progress emulated. The result shows that the method can improves the emulation precision. Keywords: Bootstrap meth