The concepts of Ecosystem Approach and Ecosystem Services “生态系统方法”与“生态系统服务”概念初探 Biodiversity loss + global warming ++ => Unprecedented Environmental Change 生物多样性丧失+ 全球变暖++ => 无法预计的环境变化 Ecosystem Approach 生态系统方法 Meant basicly for governments under CBD-implementation. Focus on the highest level of biodiversity 主要针对政府履行《生物多样性公约》(生多公约),关注生物多样性的最高层次 Industry/economic sectors may contribute greatly to ”implementation”工业(经济)部门可以对“执行”贡献巨大 No blueprint for all situations 没有针对所有情况的蓝图计划 Preconditions and various ess-factors for each principle每条原则的前提条件和各种成功因素 Specific ”Integrated Resource Management Procedures”(IRMPs) in various biomes/ecosystems? 各种生物群落(生态系统)特有的“综合资源管理程序”(IRMPs) ? 1. Management objectives are a matter of societal choice 管理目标是社会的选择 2. Management should be decentralised to the lowest appropriate level 管理应该下放到恰当的最低层级 3. Consider the effects on other areas/ecosystems 考虑对其他领域或生态系统的影响 4. Ecosystem management must be understood in a socio-economic context 必须在社会经济环境中理解生态系统管理 5. Conservation of ecosystem functioning is crucial 保护生态系统功能尤为重要 6. Management should be undertaken at the appropriate scale (related to problem/challenge) 应该在合适的范围和尺度内进行管理(与问题和挑战相关) 7. Set long term goals and beware of lag effects 制定长期目标,了解阻碍目标实现的因素 8. Beware of cyclic and other changes 了解循环变化和其他的变化 9. Manage within the limits to system(s) functioning 在系统功能的限制范围内进行管理 10. Find balance between conservation and sustainable use 在保护与可持续利用之间寻找平衡 11. Use all relevant information 使用所有相关信息 12. Involve all relevant sectors/stakeholders/disciplines 将所有相关部门、利益相关方和领域都纳入进来 (INTEGRATED) ECOSYSTEM APPROACH (EA) (综合)生态系统方法(EA) Ecosystem approach/Ecosystem services生态系统方法和生态系统服务 A conceptual link between the concepts 各概念之间的概念性联系 Key aspects of biodiversity management can be developed 生物多样性管理的重要方面都得到发展 Trade-off challenges arise between various services 需要在不同服务之间进行权衡所带来的挑战 New methodologies are needed, both for valuation and trade-off procedures 需要经济价值评估与权衡程序的新方法论 Multilevel perspective important, but