Sim NP ,并打开top文件 路由器命令编写: Press Enter to Start Router> Router>enable Router#congif terminal ^ % Invalid input detected at '^' marker. Router#config terminal Enter mands, one per line. End TL/Z. Router(config)#inter ethe0 Router(config-if)#ip addr Router(config-if)#no shut %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface 0, changed state to up Router(config-if)#exit Router(config)#inte ethe1 Router(config-if)#ip addr Router(config-if)#no shut %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface 1, changed state to up Router(config-if)#exit Router(config)#router rip Router(config-router)#network Router(config-router)#network Router(config-router)#exit Router(c