Abstract In English law,insurance contract is a contract of utmost good faith. And the utmost good faith principle was stipulated by section 17 of 1906 Marine Insurance Act,which is a rigid and severe section and apply of which will void the pletely. The English legal force has exerted great effort in order to avoid the injustices and irrationality rendered by introduction of section 17 in fraudulent claim context: on one hand,they tried to define a fraudulent claim carefully and restrictively;on the other hand,they try to avoid the application of section 17 in the fraudulent claim context. However,the law in this context is still confusing and very reason is the stringent nature and vague language of section 17. Key word Principle of utmost good faith,section 17 of 1906 Marine Insurance Act,fraudulent claim,avoidance of the contract,discharge of the contract
英国法将保险合同定义为被保险人同意给付保险人一定,而保险人则在发生保险事故时对被保险人由此遭受的损失给予补偿的合同①。英国法律中没有诚实信用原则的普遍性规定,相应的,把要求 dDdtt 当事人诚实信用的特殊合同归类为最大诚信合同(contract of utmost good