人工破膜联合地西泮应用于活跃期停滞临床观察 doi:.1007- 摘要目的:了解人工破膜联合地西泮应用于活跃期停滞的临床效果。方法:随机选择在潮州市妇幼保健院分娩,进入产程的足月、单胎妊娠、头先露、活跃期时限出现异常(包括活跃期停滞和活跃期延长)的367例初产妇病历资料,回顾性分析活跃期停滞期间应用人工破膜联合地西泮对阴道分娩和剖宫产分娩者妊娠结局的影响。结果:367例活跃期停滞者中,剖宫产182例,阴道分娩185例。两组产后出血发生率、产妇并发症率差异均无统计学意义(P>),两组活跃期≥6小时者新生儿转儿科率高于活跃期<6小时组(P<)。结论:宫口扩张6cm以下出现活跃期异常者,母儿情况良好,可人工破膜联合应用地西泮静推,适当延长产程观察时限。 关键词分娩过程活跃期停滞人工破膜地西泮剖宫产术 Abstract Objective:To observe the clinical effect of artificial bined with diazepam used in active phase :To collect 367 cases of primipara medical records From 2009 May to 2013 February delivery,into labor full-term,singleton pregnancy,cephalic presentation,active period of abnormal(including the active period of stagnation and prolonged active phase).A retrospective analysis of the effect of artificial rupture of bined with diazepam on vaginal delivery and cesarean section pregnancy ethe during active period of :In the 367 cases of activ e period of stagnation,182 patients used cesarean section and 185 cases used vaginal incidence of postpartum hemorrhage and the rate of plications in the 2 groups were not statistically significant(P>).Neonatal transfer pediatric rate of active period over 6 hours in the 2 groups is higher than the active period of less than 6 hours(P<).Conclusion:If mother in good condition with dilatation of ce