小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: http://m./test/?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:娱乐英语好莱坞缺少亚裔是生意还是歧视 Last week, we published an article about Asian-American actors fighting for diversity in Hollywood. Hundreds of readers from the United States and around the world responded by ments. Here are some of the most thoughtful — and provocative. ments have been edited for space and clarity. 上周,我们刊登了一篇关于亚裔演员为好莱坞的多样性进行抗争的文章,留言的读者数以百计,来自美国和全球各地。下面是其中一些最有深度或最具争议性的评论。我们对这些评论做过一些编辑,以便显得言简意赅。 ‘Asians Are Still Fairly Invisible’ “亚裔仍然很缺乏存在感” Readers discussed how the lack of Asian-Americans in Hollywood had affected their lives and careers. 读者们讨论了好莱坞作品中缺乏亚裔美国人对他们的生活和事业造成了何种影响。 Joanna from New York recalled taking her two mixed-race children to see the film adaptation of “The Martian” after reading the book: “I was excited to take my kids to see the movie. Unfortunately, I was more than a little disappointed that an obviously Korean Mindy Park in the book was looking as white and blond as she did.” 纽约的乔安娜(Joanna)回忆了带着她看过原著的两个混血孩子去看电影《火星救援》的情况。她说:“我很高兴能够带孩子去看这部电影。可惜的是,我非常失望,原著中明显是韩裔的明迪·朴(Mindy Park)成了金发碧眼。” Carol from Victoria, British Columbia, a fourth-generation North American of Japanese descent, recalled growing up in the 1950s without images of Asians in the media “other than some white guy with something painful shoved up his eyes, playing in old Charlie Chan films.” She continued: “No