JLX(VBP). JLP Series Gear Reducer Manual for Installation, Operation and Maintenance
重庆齿轮箱有限责任公司 Chongqing Gearbox Co., Ltd.
1 目录 Contents
前言 Preface 1. 减速机的安装 nstallation of gear reducer 概述 General 减速机的技术参数 Specifications for the gear reducer 减速机的安装程序 Installation procedure for the gear reducer 设备基础的验收 Acceptance of equipment foundation 减速机输出法兰的安装(输出法兰单独发运时) Installation of output flange for the gear reducer 减速机的安装就位 Installation of gear reducer in place 2. 膜片联轴器的安装 Installation of diaphragm coupling 3. 稀油润滑装置的安装 Installation of oil lubricating device 稀油润滑装置的安装 Installation of oil lubricating device 稀油润滑装置的控制要求 Requirements on controls of oil lubricating device 4. 安装施工中的注意事项 Precautions on the installation 5. 试运转、missioning, operation and maintenance 串油清洗 Oil batching operation missioning of gear reducer 使用维护 Operation and maintenance 启动前的准备和操作程序 Preparations before startup and operation procedure 停机操作程序 Shutdown procedure 运行中的检查 Checks during operation 故障的分析及排除 Troubleshooting and elimination
2 前言 Preface JLX(VBP)JLP 系列立式磨机减速机由减速机、膜片联轴器和稀油润滑装置三 大部分组成。主要用于水泥工业和电力工业辊磨机的立式传动减速装置,也可 用于其它机械作传动装置。JLX(VBP) JLP series gear reducer for the vertical mill is operating with an integral part of gear reducer, diaphragm coupling and oil lubricating system, which is mainly used as vertical driving reduction device for roller mill in the cement and electricity industry and as other mechanical driving device as well. 减速机及配套设备的现场安装工作应按本说明书规定和国家建材局颁布的 “水泥机械设备安装工程施工及验收规范”《JCJ03-90》有关规定和电力工业磨 煤机有关规定进行,还应执行现场指导工程师的意见和决定。Installation of gear reducer and associated equipments in the field shall be carried out in accordance with the manual herein and Construction of Installation Engineering for Cement Mec