论文题目: 车辆稳定性控制系统(VSC)
学号: 21
2011 年 9 月 22 日
伴随着科学技术的飞跃发展,各种先进的汽车电子控制技术被广泛应用到汽车上,先进的电子控制技术使汽车的安全性大幅度提高。车辆稳定性控制系统(VSC),英文全称Vehicle Stability Control 。它是由丰田汽车公司开发的一种主动安全系统。功能相近的系统还有宝马的DSC动态稳定控制、大众的ESP电子稳定程序。近几年来,丰田在主动安全性方面取得了巨大的成就,,雷克萨斯主动安全技术方面的评价超过宝马和奔驰。其间,VSC系统功不可没。车辆稳定性控制系统(VSC) 是一种可在各种行驶条件下提高车辆行驶稳定性的新型主动安全体系。它是由VSC 控制系统、发动机电控系统、各传感器、制动控制器、油门控制器等单元构成的完整控制体系。系统的大部分元件与ABS、TCS 系统共用, 系统通过各传感器数据的输入对车辆打滑情况进行判断,然后自动介入车辆的操控, 以油门及制动控制器来修正车辆的动态,由此可迅速的将车辆于转弯过程中出现转向过度或转向不足的现象修正到原有正常路径的循迹行驶。
Along with the rapid development of science and technology, various kinds of advanced automotive electronic control technology has been widely applied to the bus, the advanced electronic control technology make cars safer greatly improved. Vehicle Stability Control system (VSC), English full name Vehicle Stability Control. It is by the Toyota pany developed the active safety system. The function of the system and the BMW similar dynamic stability control, public DSC of ESP electronic stability programs. In recent years, Toyota in active safety has scored great achievements from the United States, the authority of the OWER assessment result to see, lexus active safety technical aspects of the evaluation more than BMW and Mercedes. Meanwhile, VSC system. Vehicle stability control system (VSC) is a kind of can be in all sorts of driving conditions improve vehicle stability of the new initiative security system. It is by the VSC control system, engine control system, each sensor, brake controller, throttle controller etc unit plete control system. Most of ponents of the system with ABS, TCS system Shared by the sensors, system data input to vehicle skid situation, and then judge in the handling of the automatic vehicle to throttle and brake controller to fixed vehicle dynamic, which can be used to quickly turn vehicles in appear in the proce
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