1 姓名:陶李洋 学号:2130709 2018/10/18 ● Hangzhou is located in the southeast coast of China 2018/10/18 Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province and its political, economic and cultural center. With its famous natural beauty and cultural heritages, Hangzhou is one of China's most important tourist venues. here is paradise in heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth. Hangzhou City Bridge-tunnel(跨海大桥) West Lake 2018/10/18 杭州乐园(Hangzhou paradise) 杭州宋城 钱江新城Qianjiang new city 2018/10/18 瑶琳仙境YaoLin wonderland 2018/10/18 钱塘江The qiantang river 萧山湘湖Xianghu lake 2018/10/18 灵隐寺Lingyin temple 岳王庙 飞来峰 2018/10/18 保俶塔Baochu pagoda 城隍阁mountain 九溪十八涧JiuXi 18 jian 2018/10/18 虎跑泉 the tiger spring 灵山 六和塔Six harmonies pagoda 2018/10/18 西泠印社 龙井村Longjing village 2018/10/18