“供给侧改革” 这一概念一经提出, 立刻引起了各方学者关注, 广西
壮族自治区作为华南经济圈的重要组成部分, 应该抓住这次机遇, 以农业
为立足点,以“互联网 +农业”为方向,优化农产品供给侧各种资源要素
及其配置, 提高农产品供给体系质量和效率, 形成结构合理、 保障有力的
关键词 :供给侧改革 特色农产品 物联网 出口
Abstract: The "supply-side reform," the concept was put forth,
immediately attracted wide attention of scholars, Guangxi Zhuang
Autonomous Region as an important part of the South China
economic circle, should seize this opportunity in agriculture as a
foothold to " + agriculture "as a direction to optimize the
supply-side factors and their agricultural resources allocation,
enhance the quality and efficiency of agricultural supply system,
the formation of a rational structure, powerful features to protect
the effective supply of agricultural products, promote agricultural
development in Guangxi.
Keywords: supply-side reform Characteristics of agricultural
products of Things Export
一、 广西特色农产品及出口情况 ............................................................................. - 1 -
( 1) 广西特色农产品发展概述 ........................................................................ - 1 -
( 2) 广西特色农产品出口现状 ........................................................................ - 2 -
( 一) 出口率低,对经济拉动的贡献小 ......................................................... - 2 -
( 二) 附加值低,对收入增加的贡献小 ......................................................... - 3 -
( 三) 集中度高,应对市场风险的能力小 ..................................................... - 3 -
二、 特色农产品出口不佳的原因 —— 广西特色农产品物流体系建设存在问题 .-4-
( 1) 特色农产品生产分散,产业化程度低 .................................................... - 4 -
( 2) 缺少统筹规划,产品趋同情况严重 ........................................................ - 4 -
( 3) 市场体系发育不健全,服务功能单一 .................................................... - 5 -
( 4) 物流环节粗放,物流技术运用水平低 .................................................... - 5 -
( 5) 缺乏大型流通企业参与,品牌和营销意识淡薄 .................................... - 6 -
三、 供给侧改革下推动广西特色农产品出口 ......................................................... - 6 -
供给侧改革下广西特色农产品出口研究 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.