【】目的:进一步研究耳鼻喉手术后疼痛的临床治疗方式效果。方法:选择2015年1月-2016年1月间我院收治的耳鼻喉术后患者100例,将100例患者随机的分为对照组和治疗组,各50例,采取不同的方式进行治疗,对患者的疼痛程度及治疗效果进行分析。结果:与对照组相比较,治疗组疼痛程度明显降低(P<),治疗组患者镇痛有效率(%)显著高于对照组镇痛有效率(%>, 有显著差异统计学意义。结论:药物镇痛治疗对耳鼻喉手术后患者的疼痛治疗效果明显,在药物治疗的同时,给予科学有效的护理干预措施,可减轻患者疼痛程度,提高镇痛效果,有效促进疾病恢复。
【Summary】 Objective: To further study the clinical treatment effect ENT surgical pain. Methods: January 2015 - January 2016 among 100 cases of ENT patients in our
hospital, 100 patients were randomly divided into control group and treatment group,
50 patients, take a different approach to treatment, the degree of pain and patient
es were analyzed. Results: Compared with the control group, the treatment
group was significantly reduced pain levels (P <), in patients with analgesic treatment group (%) was significantly higher analgesic efficiency (%), a
significant difference Statistical significance. Conclusion: Analgesic pain in patient
es after surgery ENT obvious, while in drug treatment, an effective nursing
intervention science, reduce the level of pain of patients, improve the analgesic
effect, effectively promote recovery from illness.
【Keywords】 ENT surgery; postoperative pain; clinical analysis
【】R614【】A【】2096-0867 (2016) 14-080-01
耳鼻喉手术后疼痛的临床分析 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.