广州市天河区中小企业招聘现状及对策分析 摘要 文章通过对广州市天河区中小企业在人才招聘方面的普遍现状与存在的共同问题,包括人才观问题、男女平等问题、招聘方式、面试过程、隐私保护问题、招募信息真假问题、求职者简历的真实性方面进行发现、总结与分析,提出相应的对策分析和解决方法,包括:树立“德才兼备”的人才观;消除性别限制,男女平等、广纳贤才;多种招聘方式相结合;短时间内多轮面试、创新面试方式,以提高经济效益;企业要尊重员工与求职者隐私,政府对此要加强立法和执法力度;企业招募信息与求职者简历信息必须真实、完整、清晰。 关键词:中小企业;招聘;现状;对策 THE RECRUITING CONDITION AND COUNTERMEASURES ANALYSIS OF THE SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES OF GUANGZHOU TIANHE DISTRICT ABSTRACT In this article, a number of problems in the small and medium-sized enterprises which are based on Tianhe District in Guangzhou, would be discovered, summarized, and analyzed, including the problems of concept of talent, sexual discrimination, methods of recruiting, interviewing, privacy-protecting, and the authenticity of enterprise’s recruitment information and resumes the job seekers owned. Then some countermeasures were made to deal with those. Talent should be bination with virtue and ability towards a new concept of talent. Sexual discrimination must be abolished for absorbing talents more widely. Double or more methods of recruiting have been being called in the future recruitment. Using creative ways for interview and making more times during a limited period are to promote the enterprises’ economy. Both enterprise and government should try themselves to the best for privacy-protecting owned by employees. Lastly, it’s to call the truth, completeness and clearness that enterprise’s recruitment information and that of resumes are made. Key words: the small and medium-sized enterprises; recruitment; condition; countermeasures 目录 1 概述 1 探讨分析本课题的意义 1 国内外研究现状 1 研究思路及方法 2 2 天河区中小企业招聘现状 3 招聘理念方面现状 3 人才观问题 3 男女平等问题 4 招聘运行方面的现状 7 招聘方式 8 面试过程 8 招聘监控方面的现状 9 隐私保护问题 9 招募信息真假问题 9 求职者简历的真实性 10 3 中小企业人才招聘对策分析 11 中小企业人才招聘目标及原则 11 中小企业人才招聘对策 11 树立“德才兼备”的人才观 11 男女平等、广纳贤才 12 多种招聘方式相结合 12 面试过程的优化 13 尊重员