随着我国汽车工业的迅速发展,汽车保有量持续增长,废旧汽车的增长速度也是惊人的。废旧汽车回收利用不当,容易造成对环境、交通秩序、人民的生命安全等一系列的社会问题。为使我国废旧汽车回收利用健康发展,本文从废旧汽车的回收管理、利用管理、回收利用的经营管理和企业管理这四个方面进行分析, 对废旧汽车的回收处理管理进行了研究。
With the rapid development of China’S automobile industry,the quantity of cars retains sustained growth,the growth rate of waste and scrap automobiles is amazing. Recycling waste and scrap automobiles improperly,carl easily cause a series ofsocial problems to the environment,the order of traffic and the security of the
the healthy development of recycling waste and scrap automobiles in our country,
analyses from the managernent of recycling,the management of reusing,the sales management and the enterprise management these four areas,the management of recycling waste and scrap automobiles is studied in this thesis.
First,studies from the reality of recycling waste and scrap automobiles in our country,also draws on foreign experiences in the recycling and reusing of waste and scrap pares and analyses our advantages and disadvantages of the
treatment and disposal of waste and scrap automobiles,and made the disposal
technologies and methods suited to China’S national conditions,including the renewable technologies,the methods of renewable technologies and the disposal
Secondly,analyses the problems of the normal development of recycling waste and scrap automobiles needed to be resolved,including investment estimates and financing of the main projects,economic issues,risks and supporting conditions, made the viable program for the recycling and reusing of waste and scrap
Finally,the enterprise management of the recycling and reusing of waste and scrap auto
废旧汽车回收利用项目管理分析-管理科学与工程专业毕业论文 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.