本文分析了北美市场的宏观经济环境航空维修市场的变化趋势针对北美市场环 境与机会以及公司的核心业务分析研究了目标细分市场及市场潜力以及竞争 对手状况公司的优势与劣势机会与威胁本文建议在北美市场的 定位应该是具有成本优势的机体业务并将营销目标集中在运营中远程宽体机 的航空公司金融租赁公司等针对北美市场的特点及公司的情况本文提 出针对北美市场的营销策略包括产品策略品牌策略以及渠道策略针对需求巨 大的北美市场提出公司通过整合资源将有限资源集中在核心业务上利 用外部资源加强对供应链与价值链的管理扩大公司产品线以更有效地获取市场 第 3 页 ABSTRACT This thesis analyzes the MRO market in North America region and the facts and features of Ameco current products applying the methodologies and theories of Marketing – STP theory, Marketing Environment. SWOT is used to analyze the position petitiveness of Ameco in North America market. It is suggested that Ameco should focus its marketing efforts on airframe MRO business in the region and proposals are raised on the marketing mix.
The macro and micro marketing environment of the region are studies, including economics, market volume and development tendency. The current business products of Ameco are introduced and analyzed. By analyzing the North America market, its potential work volume, competition, and core business of Ameco, as well as Ameco’s strength and weakness, advantage and disadvantage, a proposal is given that Ameco should position itself in the market as a low cost provider focusing on the market segmentation of airframe MRO. Its target customers should be the owners, airlines and panies operating or possessing the middle haul and long haul wide body aircraft. In addition, suggestions are given on the marketing mixes including brand, products and distribution channels. Based on the fact of limited resources in Ameco and high demands of the target market, it is proposed that Ameco should integrate internal and external resources, and focus its resources on the selected core business and to expand its service line by making good use of outside resources available. 第 4 页