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目* On American Hippie Subculture
学生姓名: 吕晋红屮请学位级别: 硕士
中请专业名称: 英语语言文学研究方向: 英美文化
专业技术职称:教授ٷ 指导教师姓名: 齐欣
提交论文日期: 2 0 12
O n A m erican H ippie Subculture
L v Jinh ong
A T h e sis S u b m itte d in P a rtia l F u lfillm e n t
of th e R equ irem ents for the D egree of
M a s te r o f A rts
M odern E nglish
T ianjin N orm al U n iversity
M ay 2 0 12
A b str a c t
A m erican society undergo es a dram atic chan ge during the early 1960s. It is in
that period that hipp ies grow up . A n d they liv e in an afflu ent society w ithout
w orrying ab out pov erty an d hunger, so it is difficult for them to understand their
parents w ho have involved in tw o w orld w ars. B esides, the inform ation age and
television m akes it quite clear th at the society their parents h av e built is far from
perfect. T herefore, hippies refuse to follow the elder's teach ing an d rebel against the
m ainstream culture in th eir ow n w ay.
H ippie culture is a kin d of subculture. S ubculture is a v ery im portant elem ent in
the process of social change. If a society h as no subculture, it w ill be vuln erable and
w ill be poorly equipp ed to cop e w ith the rapidly changing conditions. T he subculture
m ay bring the creation or destruction . F ailing to take it seriously and in depth m ay
lo se the creation an d increase th e d estruction . It w ill b e of significan ce for th e
developm ent of the society to have a right attitude tow ards the subculture. W hat kind
of attitude should th e society h old to th e subcultu re is an issu e w hich can not b e
ignored .
T his thesis w ill hav e a detailed analysis of the causes of A m erican hip pie culture,
the form s of expression of A m erican hip p ie culture an d th e influ en ces of A m erican
hippie culture. A ll these an alysis is under the guidance of subculture theory, w hich is
also a new idea of th is thesis. B ased on the deta
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