其他作者 01 Structure control of hydroxyapatite ceramics via an electric field assisted freeze casting method 陕西工业职业技术学院 程喆赵康 吴震平 02 Synthesis of Different Shapes ZnFe2O4–BiOCl posites for Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2 in Cyclohexanol 陕西工业职业技术学院 宋桂贤吴雄岗 辛峰尹小红 03 Saliency detection by selective color features 咸阳市数学学会 张艳邦张芬 郭雷 04 Symplectic invariants for curves and integrable systems in similarity symplectic geometry 咸阳市数学学会 李艳艳屈长征 05 混合时滞分布参数神经网络采样同步控制 咸阳市数学学会 张为元李俊民 邢科义丁晨阳 06 Preparation of amino-functionalized graphene oxide by Hoffman rearrangement and its performances on polyacrylate coating latex 陕西科技大学 张文博马建中 高党鸽 07 基于分级结构聚苯胺/埃洛石纳米管构建高灵敏度抗坏血酸传感器 陕西科技大学 邵亮王晓颖 杨百勤王乾 田倩倩姬占有 08 Carbon dots-initiated luminol chemiluminescence in the absence of added oxidant 咸阳师范学院 郭颖李保新 编号 论文题目 推荐单位
其他作者 09 Mechanistic investigation of rice straw lignin subunit bond cleavages and subsequent formation of monophenols 陕西科技大学 娄瑞吕高金 武书彬张斌赵红霞 10 Hedgehog Signaling Activation in Hepatic Stellate Cells Promotes Angiogenesis and Vascular Mimicry in Hepatocellular Carcinoma 延安大学咸阳医院 李伟苗栓林 苗满园李仁拴 曹晓鹏 11 HIF-1α3and VEGF levels for monitoring hepatocellular carcinoma treatment response to transcatheter arterial chemoembolization 延安大学咸阳医院 刘康杨林 张小明任勇军徐浩 12 Dachaihu decoction ameliorates pancreatic fibrosis by inhibiting macrophage infiltration in chronic pancreatitis 陕西中医药大学 段丽芳许小凡 朱林佳刘芳 张晓芹张红 13 Effects of electronically stimulating Tianshu (ST 25) and Dachangshu (BL 25), Quchi (LI 11) and Shangjuxu (ST 37) on the expressions of jejunum c-kit protein and c-kit mRNA in rats with functional diarrhea 陕西中医药大学 王渊牛文民 杨晓航刘娜刘智斌 14 Dual Energy Spectral CT Imaging for the Evaluation of Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma Microvascular Invasion 陕西中医药大学附属医院 杨创勃张爽 贾勇军于勇段海峰张喜荣马光明任成龙于楠 15 Improving Image Quality of Bronchial Arteries with Virtual Monochromatic Spectr