a selection from the
posed by
An Electronic Edition
Anders Thulin, Malmö · 2002-02-21
As a recreation for the idle hours of life, the wide and varied do-
main of chess, but more especially that branch so aptly termed the
Poetry of the game, has been to me during the past thirty years an
unfailing source of delightful entertainment – a perennial ban-
quet, indeed, that has never suffered the appetite for its social and
intellectual fare to languish. Votaries of every clime and country
have contributed the fruits of their genius and industry to the re-
past, and many warm and valued friendships have been cement-
ed by kindred tastes and sympathies. But how few, alas, of the
panions remain to share the feast! The empire of earthly
pleasures is frail and uncertain, and its curfew must toll for us all.
While lingering at a somewhat late and protracted dessert with an
ever unsated yearning for Caïssa’s bounty, I have gathered up
some of the crumbs that have fallen from my table, which I wish
to offer as a souvenir to the friends who still abide to minister to
my enjoyment. If, to them, these morsels will serve to impart an
occasional gleam of pleasant recollection, the aim and ambition
which were the impelling influences that led to this collection will
be fully gratified.
In the following pages the conventional terms of White and
Black have been retained, but the forces of the chess-board are re-
spectively presented in Red and Blue. With the exception of a few
of the positions included in this selection, that have
been reset and remoulded, all have passed through the ordeal of
public scrutiny, and I trust that it may not be unreasonable to
hope that they will essfully maintain an unblemished integri-
ty against all further analytical research.
C. A. G.
Brooklyn, September, 1890.
This edition is based on the original edition, p
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