第 9卷第 8期昆明理工大学学报(社会科学版) V o l
9, N o
2009年 8月 Journal o f K unm ing U n iversity of Sc ience and T echno logy A ug
罗忠民, 刘
(衡阳师范学院外语系, 湖南衡阳 421008)
要: 基于 C /S模式的网络外语教学系统由于过分依赖于服务器, 难以突破带宽与服务器性能的
瓶颈, 有着诸多难以克服的缺陷, 而基于 P2P 技术的网络系统能够充分利用所有在线节点的带宽与硬件
资源, 便捷地实现流媒体直播以及学生间、学生和教师间、教师间的在线交流和资源共享, 弥补传统教
学网站的不足, 极大地改善了在线外语教学效果, 为网络外语教学开拓了一个全新的领域。
关键词: P2P; 网络技术; 外语教学; 交互式
中图分类号: H 319. 3
文献标识码: B
文章编号: 1671- 1254 ( 2009) 08- 0094- 05
P2P W eb Technique and On line InteractiveM odel of
LUO Zhong
m in, LIU J ian
( Eng lish D ept. , H engyang N orm a lU n iversity, H engyang Hunan 421008, China)
Abstract: Due to its excessive dependence on the w eb server, the trad itional online foreign
ing system, w hich is based on the C /S ( C lient/Server) m ode,l has its born disadvantages and is unab le to
break through the lim itations o f server capability and on
dem and brand w idth. The new on line teach ing system,
w hich adopts P2P ( Peer
Peer) techn ique and stream ing m edia technique, can m ake fu ll use o f the brand
w idth and hardw are resources o f every online node and achieve a m un ication and file
sharing a
m ong the studen ts or betw een the teacher and the studen ts. The P2P approach can e the ings of
the traditiona,l im prove teach ing efficiency and brin
P2P 网络技术与外语交互式教学模式研究 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.