Language in Use 1. Paraphrase the following chunks from the text. 1) have adverse effects have bad effects 2) have an upper limit have an maximum limit 3) brings cell division to a halt stop the process of cell division 4) untoward consequences the consequences which are not wanted or not expected 5) slow the process of ageing make the process of ing old slower 6) the grain of nature the normal law of nature 7) have malign effects have harmful effects 8) a logical extension The natural consequence of the previous process 9) the desired effect the effect which people are trying to achieve 10) a thing of the past a thing happened in the past which doesn’t happen anymore 2. Rewrite the following sentences in short sentences. 1)This week’s Nature reported a piece of work. This work was written by Darren Baker of the Mayo Clinic, in Minnesota. It describes an extraordinary result. This result points to a way that the process might be ameliorated. 2)Whenever the gene for P16INK4A was active, his second gene was activated and could produce a protein. This protein itself was harmless. The presence of a particular drug, however, could make the protein e deadly. 3)Dr Baker’s results support the previously untested hypothesis. The hypothesis goes like this: when cells reach the Hayflick limit, they stop working well; besides, they have harmful effects on the healthy cell in the neighbourhood. 4)Regardless of the biochemical details A new way of thinking about how to slow the process of ageing is the most fascinating thing Dr Baker’s result provides. It follows the grain of nature rather than against it. 5)There are two existing ways of inquiry into prolonging lifespan. One is to remove the Hayflick limit, and this would cause all sorts of unwanted consequences. Th