ISS N 1002- 4956 实 验 技 术 与 管 理第 27 卷 第 12 期 2010 年 12 月
CN11- 2034/ T Ex perim ental Technology and Managem ent Vol. 27 No. 12 Dec. 2010 从教师信息素养的视角研究信息技术 与外语课程整合的有效性 陈 颖, 龚方红 ( 常州大学外国语学院, 江苏常州 213164) 摘 要: 技术与课程的整合已成为现实和必然, 尤其整合的成效值得人们关注。从整合教学生态系统中最关 键的因素 人件! 的视角, 以信息素养为考量维度, 探讨教师信息素养及其推动信息化外语课程整合纵深 发展的关键作用和意义, 并在此基础上, 从 4 个方面着重论述了提升外语教师信息素养的路径与策略, 以最大 程度发挥整合教学的有效性。 关键词: 外语课程; 信息技术; 信息素养 中图分类号: H 319 文献标志码: B 文章编号: 1002 4956( 2010) 12 0183 04 The effectiveness of technology course integration from the perspective of foreign language teachers∀ information literacy Chen Ying , Go ng Fanghong ( School of F oreign L ang uages, Chang zho u U niv ersity , Chang zho u 213164, China) Abstract: T he technolog y course int eg rat ion has been a trend, and the effectiv eness o f the integ rat ion is w orthy of pa rticular co ncern. F ro m the perspectiv e o f humanw are, a key factor in the integratio n ecolo gy sy stem, this paper ex plored teachers∀ info rmation literacy and its g reat impact on the ess o f the integration curriculum; mo reo ver, proposals were put forw ard fro m fo ur aspects to enhance foreign lang uag e teachers∀ info rmatio n lit eracy so as to max imize the effect iveness of t he integ ration. Key words: fo reig n languag e co urse; informatio n techno lo gy ; info rmatio n literacy