11 111 PHILOSOPHY OF MIND 11 11 Philosophy of Mind: Contemporary Readings is prehensive anthology that includes classic and contemporary readings from leading philosophers. Addressing most major topics within the philosophy of mind, O’Connor and Robb have carefully chosen articles under the following headings: • Substance Dualism and Idealism • Materialism • Mind and Representation 111 • Consciousness Articles by the following thinkers are included: Zimmerman Swinburne Lowe Robinson 11 Smart Kripke Zuboff Lewis Putnam Block Chalmers Fodor Dretske Searle Davidson t Churchland Levine McGinn Jackson Carruthers Harman Hasker Lockwood Unger Kim 111 Each section is prefaced by an introductory essay written by the editors, which aims to guide the student gently into the topic. The book is highly accessible and provides a broad-ranging exploration of the subject including discussion of leading philosophers in the field. Ideal for any philosophy student, this book will prove essential reading for any philosophy of mind course. Timothy O’Connor is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Indiana University. He is editor of Agents, Causes, and Events: Essays on Indeterminism and Free Will (1995) and author of Persons and Causes: The Metaphysics of Free Will (2000). 111 David Robb is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Davidson College. He is the author of several articles on metaphysics and the philosophy of mind. 11 Routledge Contemporary Readings in Philosophy Series Editor: Paul K. Moser, Loyola University of Chicago Routledge Contemporary Readings in Philosophy is a major new series of philosophy anthologies aimed at undergraduate students taking core philos- ophy disciplines. It is also panion series to the highly essful Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy. Each book of read- ings provides an overview of a core general subject in philosophy offering students an accessible transition from introd