TDA9302H VERTICAL DEFLECTION OUTPUT CIRCUIT . POWER AMPLIFIER . FLYBACK GENERATOR . THERMAL PROTECTION DESCRIPTION The TDA9302H is a monolithic integrated circuit in TM HEPTAWATT HEPTAWATT package. It is a high efficiency (Plastic Package) power booster for direct driving of vertical windings of TV yokes. It is intended for use in Color and B & ORDER CODE : TDA9302H W television as well as in monitors and displays. PIN CONNECTIONS (top view) 7 NON-INVERTING INPUT 6 OUTPUT STAGE SUPPLY 5 OUTPUT 4 GROUND 3 FLYBACK GENERATOR 2 SUPPLY VOLTAGE 1 INVERTING INPUT Tab connected to Pin 4 9302H- BLOCK DIAGRAM +VS 2 6 3 Flyback Generator 1 Power Amplifier 5 7 Thermal Protection YOKE TDA9302H 4 9302H- August 1992 1/5 TDA9302H o ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS AT TA =25 C Symbol Parameter Value Unit VS Supply Voltage (pin 2) 35 V V5,V6 Flyback Peak Voltage 60 V V3 Voltage at Pin 3 + Vs V1,V7 Amplifier Input Voltage + Vs V – Io Deflection Output Current ± A I3 Pin 3 DC Current at V5 <V2 100 mA Ptot Total Power Dissipation at Tcase =90°C15W Tstg,Tj Storage and Junction Temperature – 40, +150 °C 9302H- THERMAL DATA Symbol Parameter Value Unit Rth (j–c) Thermal Resistance Junction-case Max. 4 °C/W 9302H- o MENDED OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS AT TA =25 C Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit V2M mended Supply Voltage 25 V V2R Operating Supply Voltage Range 15 30 V I5PP Deflection Output Current 2 App 9302H- ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS o (refer to the test circuits, VS = 35V, Tamb =25 C unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Fig. I2 Pin 2 Quiescent Current I3 =0,I5= 0 16 mA 1a I6 Pin 6 Quiescent Current I3 =0,I5= 0 36 mA 1a I1 Amplifier Input Bias Current V1 = 1 V, V7 = 2 V – – 1 µA1a V1= 2 V, V7 = 1 V – – 1 µA1a V3L Pin 3 Saturation Voltage to GND I3 = 20 mA 1 V 1c V5