27 ( 1):
6- 11
J ournal of Ecology and R ural Environm ent
军, 徐网谷, 杨昉婧, 蒋明康
(环境保护部南京环境科学研究所, 江苏南京
摘要: 通过分析主要保护对象丹顶鹤的越冬需求和资源开发活动对丹顶鹤及其生境的干扰, 提出了针对保护区
资源开发的阈值管理技术。设置允许适度开发、限制开发和禁止开发 3种准入类型; 准入区域限定在实验区内, 面
积应小于保护区总面积的 1/10, 且不大于实验区面积的 1 /3; 准入时间上, 根据丹顶鹤的越冬需求, 确定每年 9月
末至次年 2月末为限制利用期, 3月初至次年 9月末为适度利用期; 停止新的滩涂围垦和风力发电项目建设, 大力
关键词: 湿地; 自然保护区; 阈值; 管理; 盐城
中图分类号: X36
文献标志码: A
1673- 4831( 2011) 01- 0006- 06
Threshold M anagem en t of Re source Exp loitation of the Yancheng W e tland Natu re Reserve. GAO J un, X U W ang
YANG Fang j ing, JIAN G M ing kang ( N an jing Institu te o f Env ironm enta l Sciences, M inistry o f Env ironmenta l Protec
tion, N anjing 210042, Ch ina)
Abstract: T he Y anchengW etland N ature R ese rve has to be con fronted w ith the conflict between resource conse rvation and
exp lo itation in its m anagem ent and construc tion. Thresho ld m anagem ent techno log ies o f resource exp lo itation have been
brought fo rw ard based on ana lys is o f the needs o f ov erw inter ing Grus japonensis and disturbance caused by resource explo i
tation. Fo r access into the reserve, resource explo itations are sorted into three types: m oderate exploita tion, restricted ex
p lo itation and forb idden explo itation. The area accessible for exp lo ita tion is lim
江苏盐城湿地珍禽国家级自然保护区资源开发的阈值管理 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.