i 基于 VC33 DSP 的磁悬浮轴承系统数字控制器的研究 Abstract This thesis used a piece of DSP chip : TMS320VC33 , produced by TI(Texas Instruments) company of America to act as main CPU of our digital controller of Active ic Bearing(AMB). The hardware is designed ,which has 8 A/D channels of 14bits and 8 D/A channels of centralized sampling and separate sampling of multiple channels is realized. And CPLD is used for the control of the DSP on the A/D and D/A converter. The digital control software was developed with the C and DSP assembly language in which PID control algorithm is adopted. And the experiment is carried out in the AMB system, in which eddy current sensors are used for the detection of rotor displacement signal and switch power amplifier is used. The experimental results show the five-degree freedom ic rotor can be suspended stably and rotated at high speed( this AMB experiment flat can rotated stably 27,000 rounds per minute). The fine performance of the AMB system shows the good stability,high reliability. The control precision has reached anticipated performance request. The control system designed by this thesis can be a preferable experiment flat for further study of more advanced digital control algorithm of ic bearing.
Key words: Active ic Bearing, Digital Signal Processor(DSP), TMS320VC33, PID controller, Stable