! 文献标识码" A ! 文章编号" 1006-673X 2012 01-0098- Anoralhealhsrvey among 12-year-oldchidreninChaoyang dititofbeiig n2010
ZHAO i GUOxiang- hui SHANGGUAN Sou-uan LI i ZHANG Shu-hua HU i o ia n i and Con ol Bing 100021 Chi Absract Objctve to nvesiat he dentiheai s us of12-earoi chidrn i Chaoyang dititMetods An eguaiszd srtfed rndomiydei wasappied oobti arprsnttvesmpiego ncuding360 12-earoi ubjectswi eguainumberofboysand gisresded i Chaoyangdititthecaresi he crwnsofperanenttet and hesausofging aibiedingwerea dat wer satsiaiy % wi mean sgniiantyhihertha hatofboys < .thereofpiand fsureseaintofthefrtperanentmoiswas %.theging aibiedinga denticaiuiusdetcton rewer % and % r DMFtof12 -earoi chidrn i Chaoyangdititrmaine at