11 1 第 31 卷第 12 期纺织学报 Vol. 31,No. 12 2010 年 12 月 Journal of Textile Research Dec. ,2010 文章编号:0253-9721(2010)12-0023-05 负载纳米 ZnO 非织造布的制备及其光催化性能 赵殿栋,邓炳耀 ( 生态纺织教育部重点实验室( 江南大学) ,江苏无锡 214122) 摘要采用自制的纳米 ZnO 整理剂制备了负载纳米 ZnO 非织造布,利用 Zeta 电位及粒径分析仪研究了整理剂 的 Zeta 电位、纳米 ZnO 的粒径大小和分布;运用原子力显微镜( AFM) 研究了负载于非织造布上纳米 ZnO 颗粒分布 情况。研究结果表明:整理剂中 ZnO 颗粒的平均粒径小于 100 nm,整理后非织造布上颗粒粒径大都小于 100 nm。 负载纳米 ZnO 非织造布具有良好的光催化性能和一定的耐洗性,经洗涤 8 次后,其光催化性能依然保持在 50% 以 上;在相同的条件下,采用含有丙烯酸酯黏合剂的纳米 ZnO 整理剂处理后的非织造布耐洗牢度较好。 关键词纳米 ZnO; 整理剂; 光催化; 耐洗牢度 中图分类号:TQ 041. 103 文献标志码:A Preparation of nonwovens loaded with nano-ZnO and its photocatalytic reactivity ZHAO Diandong,DENG Bingyao ( Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles ( Jiangnan University) ,Ministry of Education,Wuxi,Jiangsu 214122,China) Abstract Nonwovens loaded with nano-ZnO was prepared with nano-ZnO finishing agent. Zeta particle size and potential analyzer was used to examine the Zeta potential,nano-ZnO particle size and distribution of the finishing agent. Atomic force microscopy ( AFM) was employed to study the distribution of nano- ZnO on nonwovens. The results revealed that the average particle size of nano-ZnO finishing agent was less than 100 nm,and most of the particle sizes on nonwovens after treatment were less than 100 nm. The nonwoven materials loaded with nano-ZnO had good photocatalytic performance and washability. The pho