服务器机房解决方案 Environment description and solution overview APC by Schneider Electric gives you the ability to power, cool, monitor, manage and service your server room with ease and confidence. Server rooms are 1- 5 rack environments that are often not specifically designed to provide the ideal environment for IT equipment. 无计划增长只会使您日益陷入混乱 过热出现热点 高架地板通道严重阻塞 线缆杂乱无章 超过维护期限 “Replace Battery” warning light 陷入沼泽! 不知道在何处增加设备 用户遇到的典型问题 我的服务器机房无计划、无组织地增长,已经变得不可靠,排查问题也变得非常困难 我不知道从哪里开始或怎么样来设计和构建一个新的服务器机房