INTERMEDIATE IRISH: A GRAMMAR AND WORKBOOK Intermediate Irish: A Grammar and Workbook is designed for learners who have achieved a basic proficiency and wish to progress to plex language. This workbook, along with panion volume Basic Irish, provides summaries of the essential points of Irish grammar as well as opportunities to practice using the structures of the language. Intermediate Irish introduces plex grammatical structures and builds on the lessons of Basic Irish. Each of the twenty-five units summarizes a vital grammatical or vocabulary point with many often neglected aspects of usage being discussed and explained. Features include: • grammatical presentation of the most salient grammatical structures within the Irish language with details of usage; • between three and six exercises in each lesson, providing practice in the grammatical forms introduced in the text; • examples of dialect variation; • full exercise answer key. Suitable for independent learners and students on taught courses, Intermediate Irish together with its sister volume, Basic Irish, form a structured course in the grammar of Irish. Nancy Stenson is Professor within the Linguistics Program of the University of Minnesota, where she has taught both Linguistics and Irish language classes. She is the author of Basic Irish: A Grammar and Workbook and Studies in Irish Syntax. Other titles available in the Grammar Workbook series are: Basic Cantonese Intermediate Cantonese Basic Chinese Intermediate Chinese Basic German Intermediate German Basic Italian Basic Polish Intermediate Polish Basic Russian Intermediate Russian Basic Spanish Intermediate Spanish Basic Welsh Intermediate Welsh Titles of related interest published by Routledge: Basic Irish: A Grammar and Workbook By Nancy Stenson Colloquial Irish (ing 2008) By Thomas Ihde, Roslyn Blyn-LaDrew, John Gillen & Máire Ní Neachtain INTERMEDIATE IRISH: A GRAMMAR AND WORKBOOK Nancy Stenson