A类部分预应力混凝土 type A partially prestressed concrete
A形索塔 A-framed tower
B类部分预应力混凝土 type B partially prestressed concrete
GM法 Guyon- method
JM12型锚具 J M 12 anchorage
OVM锚具 oriental cone anchorage;
T[形]梁桥 T-beam bridge
T形刚构桥 T-shaped rigid frame bridge
T形梁 T[-shaped] beam
T形桥台 T-abutment
U形梁 U[-shaped] beam
U形桥台 U-abutment
VSL锚具 VSL anchorage; 瑞士VSL 厂生产的国际通用夹片锚具。
W型护栏 w-type guardrail
XM锚具 X-typed anchorage; X型三夹片式群锚。
YM锚具 Y-typed anchorage, post-tensioning strand group anchorage;
[桥]台后回填 back filling behind abutment
[桥基]沉降 settlement
[桥梁]动力响应试验 bridge response to forced vibration
[桥头]锥坡 conical slope
八字形桥台 flare wing-walled abutment
板 slab
板端错台 faulting of slab ends
板肋拱桥 slab-rib arch bridge
板桥 slab bridge
板式橡胶支座 laminated rubber bearing
板体断裂 slab rupture
板体翘曲 slab warping
板体温度翘曲应力 slab stress due to thermal warping
板桩 sheet pile
板桩围堰 sheet pile cofferdam
便桥 detour bridge
标准车辆荷载 standard truck loading
波纹钢桥面 corrugated steel deck
波纹管涵 corrugated-metal pipe culvert
波形梁护栏 corrugated beam barrier
超载预压 surcharge preloading
车道 lane
车道分布 lane distribution
车道荷载 lane load
车间净距 vehicular gap
沉管灌注桩 tube-sinking cast-in-situ pile
沉降差 differential settlement
沉井基础 open caisson foundation
沉井刃脚 caisson cutting edge
冲击系数 impact factor;
承台 bearing platform, pile cap
冲刷 scouring,erosion
搭接钢板接缝 lapped steel plate joint
打入桩 driven pile
打桩 pile driving
搭接钢板接缝 lapped steel plate joint
打入桩 driven pile
打桩 pile driving
大跨径桥 long span bridge
单铰拱桥 single-hinged arch bridge
单室箱梁 single cell box girder
单索面斜拉桥 single plane cable stayed bridge
单向板 one-way slab
单向推力墩 single direction thrusted pier
单柱式[桥]墩 single-columned pier, single shaft pier
单桩 individual pile, single pile
单桩承载力 bearing capacity of pile
弹性梁支承法 elastic supported beam method
弹性模量 modulus of elasticity
挡土墙 retaining wall
地震荷载 earthquake load,seismic force; 又称“地震力”。
地震基本烈度 basic earthquake intensity
地震震级 ea
(XLS)桥梁专业词汇表 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.