General Information 1-1 General Information General Information Introduction SIE-ID = 102457 Owner = jbedna01 LMD = 13-mar-2007 LMB = amille01 US English/Metric Conversion (cont’d) Multiply/ Divide US English/Metric Conversion English by Metric Multiply/ Divide inches of H2O English by Metric inches of kPa In order to calculate English measurement, divide by the Mercury (Hg) number in the center column. lb/sq in In order to calculate metric measurement, multiply by the Energy (Work) number in the center column. Btu Length lb ft J (J= one Ws) in mm kW hour 3,600, ft m Light yd Foot Candle lm/m2 mi km Velocity Area mph km/h sq mm sq in Temperature sq cm (°F − 32) 5/9 = °C sq ft °F = (9/5 °C + 32) sq m sq yd Fuel Performance Volume = 100 km/L 16, cu mm SIE-ID = 102603 Owner = dstuar01 LMD = 23-feb-2001 LMB = scaugh01 cu in cu cm SIO-ID = 101838 Decimal and Metric Equivalents qt L Fraction (in) Decimal (in) Metric (mm) gal 1/64 cu yd cu m 1/32 Mass 3/64 lb 1/16 kg 5/64 ton tonne (t) 3/32 Force 7/64 kg F 1/8 oz F newtons (N) 9/64 5/32 lb F 11/64 Acceleration 3/16 ft/s2 m/s2 13/64 in/s2 7/32 Torque 15/64 lb in N·m 1/4 lb ft 17/64 Power 9/32 hp kW 19/64 Pressure (Stress) 5/16 2009 - Acadia, Enclave, OUTLOOK, Traverse (VIN R/V) Service Manual (June 24, 2008) 1-2 General Information Decimal and Metric Equivalents (